It sounds like a badly fought boxing match but it really is a perfect description of my first day of travel to Germany.
• “He’s up!” — Jim checks in on-line for his perfectly planned flights to Berlin.
• “He’s down!” — Jim receives a text announcing that the flight to San Francisco is delayed, meaning he will miss his perfectly planned flights to Berlin.
• “He’s up!” — Jim is blessed to catch a “stand-by” flight and arrives with plenty of time to catch the flight to Frankfurt.
• “He’s down!” — Jim finds out his perfectly planned seat is against the wall of a very busy lavatory.
• “He’s up!” — Jim is thrilled to have an empty seat next to him. Now he can get some work done.
• “He’s down!” — Jim is too tired to get much work done.
• “He’s up!” — Jim gets the energy to read, plan, study and write.
• “He’s down! — Jim’s computer is now folded over and trapped after the guy in the seat in front put his seat back. It is now impossible to finish this journal entry.
• “He’s up…again!” — Jim uses the heaven-sent empty seat and all is well again.
So, what’s the point?
While sitting on the flight to San Francisco, I was re-reading the timeless words of A.W. Tozer, in his classic book, The Knowledge of the Holy:
“To believe actively that our Heavenly Father constantly spreads around us providential circumstances that work for our present good and our everlasting well-being brings to the soul a veritable benediction.” (A.W. Tozer, The Knowledge of the Holy)
In other words, being constantly aware that our Sovereign Lord is in control of the ups and downs of our lives should fill our hearts with praise — even at 30,000 feet, sitting against the wall of a “noisy and fragrant” lavatory — or wherever God has seated you today.
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