The informal Czech word for hello is Ahoj (pronounced “ahoy”). Having been in the navy, I also know this phrase to have been used by sailors to greet one another. But what I didn’t know is that in Latin it stands for ad honorem Jesus — which means “Glory to Jesus.” In others words, to say “Ahoy, Mate” is to say “Glory to Jesus, my friend.”
As Karon and I leave the Czech Republic, we are asking God to do something mighty in the midst of these 1,000 young people who will be the next generation of world-changers. We may never see these folks again here on Earth, but we fully expect to see them in heaven. Perhaps we will all greet one another with the familiar Czech greeting — Ahoj — Glory to Jesus!
On to Bucharest, Romania…
Ahoy, You remain in our prayers! Also, rest assured that we were well fed at home. Dr. Brewer did a great job introducing the principles for a fruitful ministry and highlighted examples from scripture as well as the work God is doing through your ministry. Please let the Eastern Europeans know we pray for them as well.