Unanswerable Questions

Unanswerable Questions

There are certain questions that leave us worse off, no matter how they are answered. Suppose we were asked, “Yes or no — have you stopped poisoning puppies?” To answer “Yes” suggests we were once puppy-poisoners. The other choice is to admit we still are. But what if...

Step by Step He Leads Me

Our twenty-three hour, almost 6,000 mile journey to Poland began with scattered steps  — a delayed plane in Fresno, causing us to miss our flight in San Francisco, rushing to another airline, learning that there had been a mistake and there are no seats...
The Adventure Begins

The Adventure Begins

Jim and Karon’s Big Adventure at the European Leadership Forum in Wisla, Poland (May 23-June 1, 2013) Atheism is the fastest growing religion in Europe. Yet, God is raising up His remnant and a mighty army of truly born-again leaders who have refused to settle for...
A Lesson from the Tabernacle

A Lesson from the Tabernacle

On the plane hom Frankly, being a history lover, I have a ready answer to those who complain about all those “lengthy genealogies.” Each of those names represents people. But why should I, ill-equipped to build anything substantial, care that these Old Testament...

Family! Soldier! Citizen!

Yesterday, I did an interview at a Christian radio station here in Timisoara, Romania. The interviewer was intrigued with the fact that I am related to the family of Al Capone. I was initially disturbed that this was to be the focus and quickly turned the attention to...