Dr. Cecy is travelling to Romania this month for a variety of meetings. Highlights include meeting with students and professors at Emanuel University of Oradea, teaching at a leadership conference, and speaking at two Baptist churches in Timisoara, Romania. A complete itinerary is included below. Jim asks that we “P.U.S.H. — Pray Until Something Happens.”
Also included in the itinerary are Live Links, where you will be able to listen online to the meetings. Remember that Romania is 10 hours ahead from PDT Time Zone.
Jim’s Itinerary
- Sun. 07–08 APR Travel Fresno to Munich, Germany to Timisoara, Romania
- Tues. 09 APR Student’s meeting at Betel Baptist Church in Timisoara (600-700 students) Other ministry meetings throughout the day. ( Live Link: http://betel.ro/ )
- Wed. 10 APR Chapel preaching at “Emanuel” University of Oradea (400-500 theology students). Ministry meetings throughout the day. Evening event open to all students in town.
- Thurs. 11 APR Morning Chapel with students and professors from the theology faculty. Ministry Meetings. Travel later to retreat center for conference for leaders and wives
- Fri. 12 APR Teaching/mentoring at Leadership conference
- Sat. 13 APR Teaching/mentoring at Leadership conference
- Sun. 14 APR Sunday a.m. preaching at Betania Baptist Church of Timisoara (300 in attendance) Host Pastor Vali Fat. Sunday evening preaching in Emanuel Baptist Church of Timisoara, Romania (Biserica Baptista Emanuel din Timisoara) (500 in attendance) Pastor Immanuel Tundrea. ( Live Link: http://betania-tm.ro/)
- Mon. 15 APR Students meetings in Emanuel Baptist Church of Timisoara (200 students) (Live Link: http://www.emanuel-tm.ro/ )
- Tue. 16 APR Travel to U.S.
Agao’s are praying through your schedule.